Crack your brain open and understand how it works

Ever thought you could have handled a situation better? We're all influenced by hidden forces shaping how we behave and make decisions. These are called mental models and cognitive biases.

Now... imagine unlocking and understanding these to power-up your decision-making, to reduce your stress, to improve your relationships... that's what ThinkBetter is for.

Dive into a world of 52 tools. No boring lectures or stressful exams. Just weekly concepts with easy-to-grasp explanations, fun examples, stunning visuals, and daily life applications... to level you up.

The False Consensus Effect
The False Consensus Effect

You assume a lot more people think-like and agree with you.

Hanlon's Razor
Hanlon's Razor

Never attribute malice to that which is adequately explained by stupidity

Loss Aversion Bias
Loss Aversion Bias

You feel 2x worse losing $10 than making the same $10

What is inside ?

A crash-course on how your brain works — over 52 weeks.
52 Concepts Delivered Weekly

52 Tricks Delivered in a phased way

Discover 52 different mental models and cognitive biases that influence our thinking and decision making carefully curated and delivered to you one at a time, so you can actuall dig into it.

Everyday examples and everyday aplicability

Everyday examples and everyday applicability

Cool. But how are these going to help you? Each of our tricks is delivered with plenty of examples and an explanation of how it affects your life and how you can apply these.

Beautifully illustrated. simply explained

Beautifully illustrated. simply explained

You don't need a PhD to understand how you act and behave (you actually do, but you get the point...). Get practical examples and simple explanations paired with beautiful illustrations.

What are mental models?

What are Mental Models?

Picture this – your brain is like a massive toolshed. Each tool (or set of tools) represents a way of understanding the world. Some tools are perfect for some jobs (like a hammer for a nail) and terrible for others. Each of these tools in your cerebral toolshed is what we call a "mental model". These are frameworks or blueprints that help us make sense of the world, make decisions, and solve problems. For example, the "supply and demand" mental model helps us understand why those concert tickets are so darn expensive!

In essence, mental models are concepts and frameworks we use to understand the world around us and make decisions.

What are Cognitive biases?

What are Cognitive Biases?

Now, imagine if sometimes, when reaching into your toolshed, your hand has a sneaky little magnet that draws it to a particular tool, even if it's not the best for the job. That sneaky magnet? That's a cognitive bias. It's a predictable pattern where our judgment goes a tad awry. For instance, have you ever bought a gigantic pack of cookies, telling yourself you'll just eat one a day, but then find the empty packet next to you while binge-watching your favorite show? Yep, that’s a bias right there. Our brain says, "Future me will TOTALLY have more self-control", but present you says, "I mean... just one more cookie can't hurt, right?".

Simply put, cognitive biases are are a bit like software bugs — unconscious hiccups that make us act and think in ways that are not that rational.

Combining the mastery of mental models and understanding of underlying cognitive biases are a powerful toolset to think better, make better decisions and live a better life.

What you get out of it, you ask?

Many of the world's most successful (and fullfilled) people apply mental models daily and are aware of their own cognitive biases.
Discover what affects your thinking and behaviour

Discover what affects your thinking and behaviour

Dive into a fascinating journey into the subconscious biases that affect our judgement and the mental models we can use to think and act better. Experiment how mastering them can help you succeed.

Understand Practical Examples and... Practice

Understand Practical Examples and... Practice

Go through examples that help you understand how a bias affects your thinking or how a mental model can help you make better decisions. And through timed notifications practice the use of these tools every day.

Live a happier, more successful life

Live a happier, more successful life

Watch as the concepts you learned become rooted in your daily (unconscious) routine and how you start to apply them in making better decisions and becoming more successful - in life or business.

Ready to make better decisions and live an happier life?

Download ThinkBetter and get started for free with mental models and cognitive biases delivered regularly with easy-to-understand explanation, real examples and much more.

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